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Center distance and height of your mixer: what you need to know

Spacing, height of your mixer, shower, or bathtub. Do you have many questions before installation? Discover our tips to know at what height to place your mixer, according to your type of bath (shower or bathtub) as well as tips to understand and adapt your device according to the necessary spacing.

Spacing of your mixer: what is it?

When you want to buy your first mixer, for your shower or bathroom for example, and you want to install it yourself, the spacing and the distance between the mixer / bathtub or mixer / shower are essential points to know.

The spacing refers to the spacing between the two outlets hot and cold water, more precisely their fixing holes. This spacing generally has a standard size of 15cm, but can vary slightly if you use a mixer for your shower or bathtub.

  1. The standard spacing for a bathtub mixer: 15cm. This value is standard and does not change from one model or brand to another.
  2. The standard spacing for a shower: it can vary between 12 and 15 cm depending on the installations. A small difference that makes all the difference, especially if you buy the wrong model... Measure the spacing of your installation beforehand.

Note: a 15cm model can be connected to a smaller one (12cm). But not the other way around.

What position for your mixer? Shower and bathtub

The position of your mixer in your shower

Dimensions and mounting heights are not easy to standardize. It depends on a lot of things: the height of your shower, the brand and materials chosen, the size of the people supposed to use it.

In theory, here are the measurements to remember:

  • Your mixer, for a classic installation, in your shower, should be placed at about 110 cm from the floor. 
  • Regarding the installation of the showerhead, and depending on the models, we advise you to place it at about 185cm from the floor, for a classic shower. Some models, for tall people, or for oversized showers, will go up to over 2m. 

How to place your mixer in a bathtub? The 3 possible cases

If it's always, or almost always, the same for showers, it's a little different for bathtubs. There are three main cases, which we will explain below.

Fixed on your bathtub

Your mixer is directly fixed on your bathtub? If your bathtub is acrylic, this may be the solution you have adopted. In this specific case, there is no need to talk about height, the problem is solved.

Hung on the wall

The installation with wall mounting is the most common. You can place it either on one side or in the middle. We recommend you to place your mixer about 10 to 20cm above your bathtub.

Fixed on a floor stand

Floor mounting is quite rare, and only concerns "island" bathtubs, placed either in large bathrooms or directly in a separate part of your room. Guaranteed aesthetic effect, but more complicated to implement. Be sure to have all your water inlets and outlets close by, to be able to make your connections.
On a floor installation, the water supply must be close to the top of your bathtub to avoid splashing. The mixer, must be placed just above the top of your bathtub, to be able to adjust it easily when you are taking your bath.
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